Under the direction of Cecilia De Torres
Assisted by Susanna V. Temkin, Madeline Murphy Turner, and Victoria L. Fedrigotti
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Cabeza (Head), 1930 (1930.17)
Cabeza (Head), 1930 (1930.17)

Many of the original owners of artworks by Torres-García were friends and associates of the artist, including the Catalan writer Eugenio d'Ors; his friends, the Dutch artist Otto van Rees and the French sculptor Jacques Lipchitz; and the violinist David Julber, who taught Torres-García's youngest son, Horacio, in Montevideo.

Torres-García's artwork was also acquired by a number of important collectors of modern art, notably A.E. Gallatin, who featured the artist's work in his Gallery of Living Art, and Katharine Dreier, who acquired four paintings by the artist for the Collection of the Sociétè Anonyme (now in the collection of the Yale University Art Gallery).

In addition to individual collectors, Torres-García received various commissions from church and governmental authorities in Barcelona and Montevideo.  Many of these works have been destroyed (including the mural series originally housed in Montevideo's Hospital de St. Bois), while others were subject to censorship during the artist's lifetime (most famously, the artist's murals for the Saló de St. Jordi in Barcelona's Palau de la Generalitat).

Today, artworks by Torres-García are housed in museums and private collections throughout Europe, North and South America. Large holdings of works by the artist are included in the collections of the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid (24 artworks); the Museum of Modern Art, New York (10 artworks); the Musée National d'Arte Moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris (8 artworks); and the Museo Nacional de Artes Visuales, Montevideo (37 artworks).

The Museo Torres-García was established July 29, 1959 in Montevideo, Uruguay by the artist's family and the Fundación Torres-García.

Please note that the information on this and all pages is periodically reviewed and subject to change.
Citation: de Torres, Cecilia, Susanna V. Temkin, Madeline Murphy Turner, and Victoria L. Fedrigotti. "Collections." In Joaquín Torres-García Catalogue Raisonné. www.torresgarcia.com/collections/ (accessed on October 22, 2024).